About us

We are a group of Christians who meet in Larne Gospel Hall.

Our vision:

To glorify God through worship and service, to encourage fellow believers, and to see others come to faith in Christ for salvation.

The Values we wish to advance:
    • The Lordship of Christ and the pre-eminence of Christ in our fellowship.
    • Devotion to God and service for God.
    • Love and care for one another.
    • Accountability to God and to each other.
    • Maintaining the importance of Bible Teaching, Fellowship, Breaking of Bread and Prayer.
    • Providing an encouraging environment for spiritual growth.
    • Providing a sincere welcome to the local community, and visitors to our area.
    • Reaching out to non-believers; providing a safe and suitable environment for exploring the reality of God and the relevance of God in our lives.
for more information about What we believe please  click here