The Bible: The Bible is the inspired Word of God and is completely infallible. Through it, God speaks to us today. It is the only authority for what we believe and practise.
God: There is only one God, revealed in the Bible as three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are one God, co-eternal and co-equal. God is Sovereign and absolutely holy.
The Lord Jesus Christ: The Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who became man; being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of Mary, a virgin. He is both eternal God and perfect man (having no link to a human father).
The Death, Burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ: The death of the Lord Jesus on the cross is the only sacrifice for sin, and through it, there is freedom from the guilt and penalty of sin.
Following His crucifixion, the Lord Jesus was buried. On the third day He was bodily raised from the dead, and subsequently seen by many in His risen, glorified body.
The Ascension, High Priestly Ministry, and Return of the Lord Jesus Christ: Forty days after His resurrection, the Lord Jesus ascended up to heaven, where He sits at the right hand of God, upon the throne of God. He mediates for us in heaven before His Father.
The Lord Jesus will return, in person, to the air. He will call believers who have died, and believers who are still alive on earth, to Himself. Each one will be given a resurrected and incorruptible body. Their salvation will then be complete, and they will live eternally together with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Man: The first man, Adam, was created by God in His image and likeness. Adam and his wife Eve sinned in disobedience to God. In doing so they died spiritually and eventually died physically. The defect of a sinful nature has been passed on to all humanity. The Bible teaches that each person is sinful and separated from God in their natural state, and subject to God’s righteous condemnation.
Salvation: Salvation cannot be earned or deserved. It is God’s free gift, given when a person repents of their sin, and trusts Jesus Christ as their Saviour. The person who truly believes becomes a child of God, and receives eternal life, which cannot be lost. There will be a final judgement when those who are not saved will suffer eternal separation from God.
The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit indwells every true believer from the moment of conversion. The major ministry of Holy Spirit is to glorify the Lord Jesus, and to produce Christ likeness in the character and behaviour of believers who surrender to God’s influence in their lives. The Holy Spirit gives true believers the power to resist sin and witness to the world. He also gives spiritual gifts to build up the church. The Holy Spirit is active throughout the world, convicting of sin, righteousness, and judgement to come.
The Church: There is one universal church, with many local expressions, and together they form the Body of Christ. Only those who have trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation are members of this universal church.
Ordinances: There are two ordinances given by Christ, the Head of the Church, and these are to be observed by true Christians only. They are baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Through baptism, each believer bears witness to his or her belief that the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus was for them. Baptism does not save, but is a believer’s outward witness that he or she has been saved through faith in Christ. Baptism is by total immersion in water. We gather to remember the Lord on the first day of the week, partaking in the Lord’s Supper (or Breaking of Bread) in accordance with the Biblical pattern.
Leadership: It is both scriptural and necessary for the church to choose qualified men from their number to take up the work of oversight. The duty of these men is to oversee the work of the local church in its various functions, and set an example to others in the fellowship, of Godly living.